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Education Solutions


Faculty participation is key to successful academic development and optimization, but too often, faculty teaching loads leave little release time for development and optimization activities. Don’t get left behind. Let Elite help you add programs and online delivery options at your school!

Student Satisfaction has a direct effect on  referrals and student outcomes.  The Elite team can work with you to develop and implement effective processes and best practices which will increase your students satisfaction, as well as improve attendance, retention, outcomes and referrals!  

Course and Program Development


  • Research – select the right program, at the right level, taught in the right format for your students.

  • Work with faculty to develop curriculum, select textbooks, syllabi, and course guides.

  • Assist with writing state and accreditor new program applications.

  • Design new program roll-outs to ensure that students seamlessly transition into the curriculum without additional faculty expense and delay in their graduation dates.

Academic Resource Development

  • Faculty development or in-service training.

  • Management training for academic leaders (Program Directors, Deans, CAO).

  • Creation of catalog, handbooks, forms, disclosures, rubrics, P&P manuals, etc.

Improved Student Outcomes

  • Develop programs to increase student retention.

  • Develop strategies to increase student attendance and GPA.

  • Incorporation of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Program Review processes, as well as rubrics to measure progress.

  • Develop programs to increase student accountability in their education and job search

"Lisa is held in high esteem by subordinates and peers alike. Her passions for education will inspire your staff to perform well for her. She knows the business well and can think both creatively and strategically. Lisa has a great ability to get things done and done well. Additionally, Lisa has an awesome sense of humor, which enables her to keep perspective and keep those around her empowered." 

Mary Kelly, President/CEO, StrataTech Education Group

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Changing Accreditors
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Accreditation & Licensing
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Academic Solutions
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FA & Records Management
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New Start Up Schools
business, technology and office concept
Acquisitions & Closures
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